Cash Today For Your Old Car In
Houston, Texas!

Call and see how much you can REALLY get for that old car!


We Buy Junk Cars

Selling a car isn’t as easy as it seems. Placing an advertisement in the newspaper isn't free and takes a great deal of patience. That degree of patience also comes in handy if you’ve chosen to list online on Craigslist or a similar website.

To be honest you’ll probably receive some phone calls, emails or text messages. However very few of these responses will be from serious buyers. In fact, many of the people who contact you will be downright scary. Certainly not the type of person you’d want coming to your home, let alone test driving your car, truck or SUV.

This is why it’s essential to work with a company established with one goal in mind; to purchase your automobile. Team members understand that you need to sell your vehicle both efficiently and profitably. As a bonus when you’re working with professionals, there’s never fear of checks that bounce or buyers who aren’t able to come up with the money.

The team at Cash for Cars makes it as convenient as possible. Agents travel out to your home or place of business. So there’s no losing time from work or having to drive your automobile miles away to somewhere unknown.

Once a representative has taken a thorough look at your vehicle, they’ll make you an offer. If you choose to accept and agree to sell, you’ll be paid on the spot. If you need more time to think about it, that’s fine. In addition, there’s no pressure to sell your car if you change your mind.

But what if you have an older vehicle or an automobile that’s been damaged in a collision or no longer runs? No worries, because there is Cash for Junk Cars too. Not only will you be paid a fair amount for your non-running or damaged vehicle, but it will be towed away at no charge to you.

Selling on your own is rarely time efficient and sometimes dangerous. Why sell to strangers who may or may not buy? It pays to work with a team where your time is as valuable to them as it is to you. All it takes is a call to get an estimate and begin the selling process, which in some instances can take only one day. With this in mind, why sell your car any other way?